domingo, 3 de mayo de 2009

***Farmer's Dialog***

Hi today I'm walking along the Countrycite to see if can meet a farmer to tolk about the present times in the farming world. I'm in Poynton, North of Manchester.
-Vese: Oh! There is a farmes!
-Vese: Hi! Good morning! What are you doing?
-Farmer: Hi! Good morning! I'm just collecting some hay for the animals.
-Vese: Do you do that every day?
-Farmer: Yes, of course! Some times twice or three times a day, it depends on how many animals I've got.
-Vese: Have you always been a farmer?
-Farmer: Yes, my grandfather ws a farmer, my father was a farmer and now I'm a farmer.
-Vese: Is it harder now or before?
-Farmer: Well nowdays we have better machines that before, we hav tractors and a lot help while in my grandfather's time were only horses and no machinary.
-Vese: Do you think that farming is going to die?
-Farmer: Yes, If the government don't help farmers with more incentives, farming will disappear.
-Vese: Well thenk you very much for your time, and I hoppe thongs get better.

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